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From the Long Island Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO


Sisters and Brothers,

The NYS Public Service Commission has opened a comment period to hear from the public about who will pay for electrical grid upgrades. We are asking you to weigh in on this issue affecting all working people on Long Island. You must take action and submit your comments by January 3, 2022.
The NYS Public Service Commission has taken the position that NYC and LI rate payers will bare 75% of the costs for necessary transmission upgrades. They are necessary in order to accept the power generated by a series of projects that are required in order to meet New York State's statewide clean energy power and emissions reductions goals. The goals are statewide. The emission reduction benefits will be statewide. Therefore, we believe these costs should be spread throughout the entire state of New York.

Please use this link to provide a comment on this critical matter to Long Islanders.

Here are three comments we know will drive home the message that Long Islanders are part of the solution, and must not be forced to bare an inequitable burden.

1. I am a Long Island union member and I am urging the Public Service Commission to ensure a more equitable cost-sharing mechanism for offshore wind related transmission upgrades. All New Yorkers will benefit from clean energy, so all New Yorkers should share that cost.

2. Offshore wind and related grid upgrades will provide benefits to all New Yorkers and are crucial in reaching our statewide green energy goals. The current “beneficiaries pay principle,” proposal by the Public Service Commission unfairly burdens Long Islanders like me who already pay among the highest in the nation for power. I support offshore wind and clean energy, but we must fund these projects equitably across the state.

3. It is crucial that the PSC reconsiders the current 75/25 cost allocation for offshore wind related transmission upgrades. NYS has a nation-leading goal of 9,000MW of offshore wind by 2035 and Long Island is uniquely positioned to harness that energy. Since CLCPA goals are statewide; there should be consistency in funding them statewide. Sharing costs statewide is already being applied to numerous aspects of the CLCPA including Zero Emission Credits for upstate nuclear plants, Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Credits (ORECs), NYPA Priority Projects, and Tier 4 Renewable Energy Credits. Please do not burden residents like me who already face high energy costs.    

Thank you.

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